If the scientific f...inding or description in the article https://www.facebook.com/SensesHeartBrainMind/posts/954640684703130 is reasonable, then extreme caution must be applied toward brain procedures for repair, alteration, and or enhancement. And in particularly invasive methods or techniques. For example, unless due to life and or health threatening conditions, invasive brain procedures should not be standardized or applied main stream until or unless at the minimum dynamic and transformative functions of individual and collective neurons as well as brain as a whole are well understood. The below article clearly indicated that not even just basic but simple basic functions of a neuron (and much less about neuron) is not understood much less of collective neurons. And of far further brain and body-mind complexity. In the mean while, much development for invasive man-machine interfaced are being planned, developed, and anticipated. There are great dangers here for individual and the collective. ...
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Initiatives of Epistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
October 2019