Brief and simplified illustration to further elaborate on On The Nature of The Senses - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, On The Nature of The Subtle Body-Mind - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, On Nature of Local and Non-Local Universal Genome - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And as well as to complement diverse past discernments:
Information through technology or human constructed epistemic and ontic currently are not long-haul technology. And propagation characteristics and distance vary greatly on technology, medium, and environment. However, human communication or information exchange in the cosmos is of infinite potentialities of possibilities. And the reason or difference are due to human as sentient, are parts of nature's epistemic and ontic. While human technology is human' epistemic and ontic. And the many differences need to be recognized or realized such as: 1.0 Living animated entities endowed, embedded, and embodied with sentient traits, characteristics, qualities, and potentialities of possibilities (through the essence. nature, and ground of Being and Becoming. And the essence, nature, and ground of Nature and Becoming as parts of sum of parts of the greater whole) locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond 2.0 Evolved consciousness and awareness 3.0 And from 1.0-2.0 evolved subtle body-mind or spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities in the known physical wrold. And beyond 4.0 And from 1.0-3.0, possessed evolved non-local genome or universal genome 5.0 And therefore, from 1.0-5.0 resonance and entanglement potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond From just mentioned 1.0-5.0, also indicated or evidential of the following: 5.0 Machines and instruments or non-living entities have no consciousness much less awareness or no subtle body-mind. And therefore, no genome much less universal genome. However, machines and instruments can still interface with body-mind in diverse ways through the organic biologic and layers of body of the many sentient composite body-mind system. And which are intertwined and entangled with the subtle body-mind. And vice versa. And as an illustration: On The Nature of The Senses - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And as a brief and simple illustration: In human constructs or epistemic and ontic, depending on the architecture and technology; in general, system can be composed of physical, protocol, content, applications, and among other layers. And the process is through research, development, manufacturing, installation, and services. And the mechanism is through the technology. connectivity, and applied energy. And the process and mechanism even through are interdependent and interconnected, are not intertwined and entangled as in nature. In nature' epistemic and ontic, there are also many layers pertaining to such as non-organic, organic, extremely primitive senses, primitive senses, conscious, conscious and aware form-formless, more evolved, and on and on. And are intertwined and entangled layers of intertwined and entangled processes and mechanisms. And the energy, space, time, geometry, information is endowed, embedded, and embodied in nature unified universal spectra-field process and mechanism of being and becoming. And as such, it is also not only inherent intrinsically about potentialities of possibilities and emergence (and which also indicated that nothing has its own inherent independently existence). Rather also about or facilitating infinite potentialities of possibilities. For example, even entities with no senses no consciousness no awareness could become more and more conscious and or more and more aware (or better and better form-formless) or better and better transformed and evolved through process of being and becoming whether over eon or according to such entities essence and nature. However, the opposite could also be true or de-evolved potentialities of possibilities since the layers. processes, and mechanisms are inclusively intertwined and entangled for such being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond potentialities of possibilities as part of sum of parts of the greater whole. The word "Resonance" is simply a broad term to express spectra-field information, or such as energy, physical; protocol, content, and context; geometry of form-formless; consciousness; awareness; heart; mind, essence and nature of being and becoming layers traits, characteristics, and qualities. Another simple way of stating is form-formless wave function traits, characteristics, and qualities in relative to the Ground of Being and Becoming. And Ground of Nature and Becoming. And as evidential of existence of intertwined and entangled topology, structure, function, mechanism, process, and order in nature. And now are being explored by the scientific community or are more and more discovered or better and better known. 6.0 Primitive species or consciousness do have local and non-local abilities. However, they are extremely limited. For example, many animals do have extraordinary senses. And in particularly evolved species. And including abilities to synchronize with human in diverse ways even long distance. However, they are still extremely limited due less evolved body-mind, in particularly subtle body-mind. And therefore, less evolved genome 7.0 More evolved species have more evolved subtle body-mind. And therefore, consciousness and awareness. Even through organic biologic body and subtle body-mind are intertwined and entangled as parts of the many sentient composite body-mind system, the essence and nature of being and becoming embedded and embodied in the subtle body-mind rather than the organic body since after all; the potentialities of possibilities beyond known physical world are within the subtle body-mind while the organic body is returned to the soil or earth environment after organic biologic death And from just illustrated empirical analyses and discernment: 8. There exist diverse or many layers of or underlying processes and mechanisms in nature to facilitate process of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond. For example, machines and instrument have no consciousness. And therefore, consciousness and awareness or subtle body-mind processes and mechanisms do not apply to them. Another way simple way of saying is they are not parts of nature' epistemic and ontic 9.0 Evolved sentient species are embodied, empowered, and facilitated by the many layers of nature processes and mechanisms (and hence, reflected the many layers of many sentient composite body-mind system) through process of evolution and emergence or being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond 10.0 The more evolved and purified the subtle body-mind. And which implied consciousness and awareness. And which implied genome, the greater potentialities of possibilities locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond 11.0 The subtle body-mind and organic biologic of the many sentient composite body-mind system are intertwined and entangled. And therefore, direct causation effects and causalities 12.0 Subtle body-mind and genome clearly indicated or evidential that evolution and emergence or being and becoming is only possible through self-realization and self-actualization through parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And facilitating by the greater whole. For example, human species evolution and emergence on earth are function and causality of parts of sum of parts on earth, in the local cosmos, and beyond. 13.0 "Universal Genome" implied that the genome is purely evolved sentient rather than including the many organisms genomes as parts of organic biologic body 14.0 The mind. And therefore, heart. And therefore, form-formless made up the subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities or heart and mind belongs to the subtle body-mind and among others (refer to diverse past discernments). In brief and simplified summary, "The Essence of Nature is Everywhere and In Everything". However, "Consciousness is Everywhere but Not in Everything". Another way of saying is the essence of nature is in machines and instruments. However, there are no consciousness or they have no consciousness since they are not sentient or do not have sentient traits and characteristics. While the essence of nature is also in sentient. And through eon of evolution and emergence or through process of being and becoming locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond facilitated by nature' universal process and mechanism of being and becoming, gave rise to many sentient composite body-mind system which also implied evolved genome. Another way of saying is through self-realization and self-actualization (as individual and collective since no entity or individual exists independently) over eon, achieved evolved subtle body-mind. And therefore, evolved genome. And therefore, potentialities of possibilities of resonance and entanglement in the infinite cosmos facilitated by nature. Another simple way of saying is more evolved and purified subtle body-mind; and therefore genome (i.e. irreducible spectra-field, energy, geometry, space, time, information), greater resonance and entanglement potentialities of possibilities with the sum of parts of the greater whole; the essence, nature, and ground of Being and Becoming; and the essence, nature, and Ground of Nature of Becoming. And as such, if subtle body-mind de-evolved (which also implied many composite body-mind system. And therefore, universal genome. And vice versa) then such potentialities of possibilities would be inhibited, weaken, damaged, or impossible as in the cases of primitive species and machines. And even easily potentialities of resonating with negative and suffering realms and worlds. Thus, it is essential to nurture, develop, care for, and purify the many sentient composite body-mind system. And in particularly the subtle body-mind or the essence and nature of being and becoming locally and non-locally. And therefore, the universal genome for infinite potentialities of possibilities rather than not or even the opposite. And as such, as had inspired and encouraged in diverse ways in diverse past discernment, explore and analyze the most evolved species would reveal the most about nature. And therefore, nature' epistemic and ontic. And therefore, nature of reality and truth. Another simple way of saying is by knowing the infinitely finite, the infinitely infinite can be known. Be inspired, aspired, and parts of solution ! The discernments empirical are in global community resources. And ongoing explorations. and quests for more comprehensive and in depth empirical data such as: EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World (, Philosophy and Science Beyond The Observer World - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, Home - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( Be parts of the entangled global community, humanity, and sentient inspirations, aspirations, emancipations, and yearnings. And individual-shared-collective responsibility and team quest, collaboration, effort, solution, and transformation locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond ! Updated 06/30/2022 |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
November 2023
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