This brief and simplified discernment is to complement the following essay And to suggest and encourage to philosophize and conceptualize "Symmetry" and related concepts such as "Gauge Symmetry" and "Super Symmetry" in terms of the following words or metaphors as had discerned in diverse ways through past discernments:
1.0 Nothing has its own inherent independent existence. 2.0 Dependent and Interdependent Origination. 3.0 Dependent and Interdependent Arisen. or based on the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature. which would make the following related words, metaphors, or paraphrases meaningful or revealing: 1.0 Interdependent and Interconnectedness. 2.0 Non-Dual. 3.0 Flux. 4.0 Impermanence. 5.0 Form-Formless. And which would make the following words or metaphors meaningful and revealing: 1.0 Relativity, 2.0 Locality. 3.0 Non-locality. 4.0 Symmetry. 5.0 Universality. And which would make the following words or metaphors meaningful and revealing: 1.0 Intertwine and Entangle with and in the fabrics of the cosmos or local and non-local cosmos. 2.0 Determinism and Non-Determinism. And Free Will. 3.0 Sum of Parts of the Greater Whole. And the whole is far Greater than Sum of Its Parts. 4.0 Process of Being and Becoming. 5.0 Emergence. 6.0 Unitary and Complementary. 7.0 Potentialities of Possibilities. 8.0 Oneness of Wholeness or Wholeness of Oneness. and among others. And since these metaphors, paraphrases, or words are based on or emanated or emancipated (i.e. through meaningful sentient perception and experience of the world) from the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature. In other words, through the perception and experience of sentient consciousness and awareness. Otherwise, if the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature are not real and true, not only many compatible or similar perception but also experience of life and existence across all known cultures across known human history would never be possible (nature of reality and truth can be equated to consciousness and awareness). And would complement and strengthen present advanced sciences such as Quantum and Relative Sciences (whether in spite of or not of perception and experience, all parts and sum of parts (regardless of their dynamic, transformation, and evolution, are still parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. Now that is real and true symmetry !). And far beyond (again, as evidence and empirical data illustrated through the perception and experience of sentient or such as philosophy, spiritual, and scientific practitioners). In other words, whether objectively, subjectively, and objective-subjective; they are leaning and leading toward the essence, nature, and ground of being. And nature. And therefore. convergence and integration of disciplines would not only be meaningful but also essential. Strength, realization, resilience, meaningful correlations, actualization, and meaningful and purposeful transformations through diversity, pluralism, number, collaboration, heartful care, mindful care, unity, and efforts or the whole is far greater than just its parts and of sum of its parts. |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
November 2023
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