Brief and simplified discernment or suggestion to inspire, strengthen, and complement The brain’s mechanisms for vision depend on other senses - Technology Org. And all related local and non-local body-mind explorations and quests:
There have been many cases of OBE-NDE experiencers with disabilities (such as senses disabilities) recorded empirically globally over many decades. And interpolated, extrapolated, and correlated through the scientific method by many independent and impartial teams and organizations. And the empirically results that these individuals had full senses during their OBE-NDE. Therefore, the empirical data indicated that since the mind belongs to the subtle body-mind, naturally the senses (real self or inner senses). The outer or organic biologic-genetic senses (and which are composed of many organisms' genomes and not just human genome are mainly for the functionality or being and becoming in the known local physical world On The Nature of Being and Becoming Locally and Non-Locally - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And the inner senses composing of human genome (or universal genome On Nature of Local and Non-Local Universal Genome - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( are for both local and non-local potentialities of possibilities in the known physical world. And beyond. However, they are irreducible or intertwined and entangled while in the known physical world) also belongs to the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system rather than the organic biologic body. And vice versa or they are irreducible intrinsic inherent of the subtle body-mind. And are feasible and practicable potential basing on well-known empirical or evidence that throughout history, many individuals despite senses disabilities, in many cases, can perceive and experience the world far better than those with normal senses. And the main reason is due to inner senses expansion and augmentation since after all, these individuals had to make efforts to perceived and experience the world. And therefore, developed inner senses accordingly through ways of being and becoming locally and non-locally. And which is also reason many had (have) extraordinary senses or psychic abilities (On The Nature of The Subtle Body-Mind - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And as such, these individuals or community of disabilities can be valuable and can play key roles as parts of solutions through empowerment, teaming, and collaboration on the scientific quest locally and non-locally. And thus, meaningful and purposeful support, contribution, and complementary (through diversity and pluralism ways of being and becoming) to individual, collective, humanity, and species essential and meaningful nurturing, development and living, transformation, and ascension locally non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond Therefore, advancing the science or scientific quest would better the human conditions and potentials locally and non-locally whether with such disabilities or not (i.e inclusive and common and greater good or even the disabled if not healed or senses repaired, can still be nurtured and developed to experience the world through the inner senses. A simple way of saying is perception and experience of the world can be greatly expanded and augmented for all. As an illustration The Embodied Quantum Mind with Thomas Verny - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE ( And among others such as global communityyb resources EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE - Philosophy And Science Beyond The Macro World ( and Mind Philosophy and Science - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (,, Integration and Evolution ofl Science and Naturalnss- Spiritual - EPISTEMOLOGY OF LIFE AND ONTOLOGY OF EXISTENCE FOUNDATION AND INSTITUTE (, and amon others). And would greatly benefit or long lasting benefits to and betterment for future generations due to diverse local and non-local bio-transmutation. And therefore, great causes, reasons, and opportunities locally and non-locally. Be parts of the entangled global community, humanity, and sentient inspirations, aspirations, emancipations, and yearnings. And individual-shared-collective responsibility and team quest, collaboration, effort, solution, and transformation locally and non-locally in the known physical world. And beyond ! |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
November 2023
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