Metabolism and sun light are far more critical for living then people and community realized. And for the following main reasons:
1.0 Without nature light such as sun light, there would be no life much less life and evolution as known. Nature light light here implies both observable and non-observable spectra-field which permeate all in diverse ways. 2.0 Sun light along with nature essentials such H2O, oxygen, carbon, and among other natural essentials through chemical reaction or synthesis make amino acids possible. And which make proteins or building blocks of life possible. And which made RNA-DNA possible. And which made cellular and then organisms possible. And which made the rise of species possible. 3.0 From 2.0, give rise to life and evolution process. And therefore, made metabolism possible. And which made immune system possible. And which indicated metabolism-immune are irreducible whole. 4.0 RNA-DNA can survive and evolve through nature energy or light (do not need food). And in the beginning, transformation of RNA-DNA to organisms or cells do not need food but rather essential such as amino acids which were synthetize from nature essentials mentioned in 2.0. In other words, sun light is energy source and process for the rise of organisms or life. However, plants and trees arose since species or the physical body requires more that sun light to be active and transform accordingly (i.e physical body are made from spectra-field to quanta to molecules to cells to multi-cells to organs and so on; and therefore, much mass and functions which require much extra nutrition or energy. And which also indicated universal mind is involved in creation and sustainment of life and existence. 5.0 From 4.0, physical body or rise of species required energy process and mechanism to metabolize and balance intake and outtake such as metabolize and thermal process and mechanism. And which was why mitochondria and interconnected cellular system arose. And which also made immune system possible. For example, children, youth, and young adult metabolize food easily as well as their thermal process, such as energy and heat build up and transfer are efficient. While these functions are less efficient with elders or aging and those with metabolism deficiencies. 6.0 Sun light is not only energy source as mentioned in 4.0, but also process for life synthesis such as photosynthesis in plants and equivalent process in species. For example, sun light change the dynamic of body-mind such as energy and pressure, help fluid circulation and better sustain cardiovascular, help synthesize nutrition such as vitamin D, calcium, and hormone, and help metabolize and vitalize essential elements for body-mind. And therefore, even vitamin D is useful, it is not a replacement for nature light or sun light. For example, effects of sun light on photosynthesis organisms and plants, and therefore metabolism, are far more obvious than on larger and more complex living things such as human species for the following main reasons: 6.1 Larger and more evolved species are more complex as well as contained far more elements that would take longer for effects to be obvious. While it could be matter of hours or days for photosynthesis living things. 6.2 More evolved species have abilities and capacities to supplement theirs energy and metabolism with food rather than relying mainly on sun light. 6.3 Since photosynthesis organisms and plants rely mainly on sun light (even through they also consume nature essentials elements and nutrition), lack of light, in particularly sun light would be far obvious. For species such as human, the effects would take several generations. However, they would gradually become more and more obvious such as gradually weaken of outer and inner senses (in particularly physical senses), physical body, cognition, and now obviously, the metabolism-immune system. And these empirical data are now well known or established facts 7.0 Sun light help metabolism. And therefore, help energize, metabolize, and regulate body-mind which include immune system. Since metabolism balances energy and flow as well as regulate body-mind, metabolism matter to both biologic body and subtle body-mind. While immune system is to protect and defend body-mind by acting on biologic body. And therefore, matter directly to biologic body but indirectly to subtle body-mind since pathogens cannot affect immaterial subtle body-mind directly. Only through or due to causalities of many sentient composite body-mind system interdependent and interconnectedness since they are irreducible. 8.0 However, sun light goes beyond the observable mechanism. Sun light implies both observable and unobservable spectra-field. And body-mind implies body and subtle body-mind or material and immaterial spectra-field form-formless. And nature sun light carries both material and immaterial spectra-field. Otherwise (along with complementary essential nature elements), neither creation of material body nor subtle body-mind would be possible. However, since the subtle body-mind is hidden and subtle, it is difficult to recognize and know. And which also implies the following: there is not mind only or formless only which is the basis for idealism or mind only. Ontology is not or never possible with mind only. And therefore, would epistemology be possible. Rather, matter or material and mind or form-formless are irreducible. In the case of the biologic body, it is observable material matter. While the subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities, it is immaterial matter and mind. Physicalism science is correct in the sense that mind is the by product of material or brain in this case. However, it is incorrect in limiting mind to brain only and as well as observable matter and realm. 9.0 And therefore, from 1.0-8.0. nature sun light is not only for the physical body but also the subtle body-mind. And which directly implies that metabolism is not only for physical body but also for subtle body-mind. And which is why since the mind belongs to subtle body rather than the biologic body; excessive stress or inquiries on mind would weaken and or inhibit the metabolism in counterproductive or harmful ways. And which validate beyond doubt that have great effects on immune system as well as mind belongs to the subtle body rather than the physical body. Therefore, are causes of many illnesses and diseases which can include generating pathogens such as retro pathogens. And again, validate beyond doubt that effects on metabolism would be effects on immune system as well as also beyond doubt, that mind belongs to the subtle body rather than the physical body. 10. Many other nutrition are important as well, however, they vary with environment as well as is not a process or part of a process. For example, there are vitamins or chemicals that the biologic body only synthesizes through food, nutrition, and or supplements rather than create through process such as sunlight which has tremendous affect on both body-mind or biologic body and subtle body-mind dynamic. In brief summary, metabolism system and process and mechanism is not only for physical body but also subtle body-mind (or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities). Another way of saying is the physical body is biologic material and the subtle body-mind is biologic immaterial (basically the reflection or mirror of each other which implies symmetry material and immaterial genomes or universal genome manifest in both biologic material and immaterial worlds). However, they are interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled. In actuality, dark spectra-field is in and act on all form-formless since unified universal spectra-field are dynamic and transformable but not reducible or irreducible. In addition, dark spectra-field have to exist in known form-formless material or biologic body in order to create and shape immaterial form-formless or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities. In other words, form-formless material and form-formless immaterial are intertwined and entangled). Furthermore, nature light carry both material and immaterial spectra-field or parts of unified universal spectra-field (i.e. nature essence (or essentials) are everywhere and in everything. And consciousness (Source) is everywhere but not in everything. And which implies many aspects of life and existence, in particularly, dynamic evolution and optimization process, body-mind and emerging subtle body-mind or spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities are results of evolution and optimization process, and the whole is far greater than sum of its parts. As an example, neither RNA-DNA and cells by themselves are conscious. However, their collective integration as fractal parts of sum of parts of the whole give rise to conscious and aware species endowed with mind and embodied with spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities) which help start process of life and evolution. And which implies material and immaterial spectra-field are parts of life and existence. And therefore, metabolism and nature light are far more complex and critical than people and community realized. However, are causes, reasons, and opportunities for the scientific, naturalness-spiritual, medical, health, and environment, and technologist communities to rise to the occasion and advance the science and complementary knowledge and technology. A brief and simplified of the above content and context can be illustrated and emphasized through reason based the scientific concept and method of and through the human experience as well as on evidence and empirical data: based on well developed and known fundamental theories, complementary applied sciences, and diverse complementary empirical data which stated and validated in diverse ways that the energy and entropy-negentropy (recent progress of a whole is irreducible. And which indicated irrefutably that the biologic body and subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system are irreducible. And therefore, their metabolism are interdependent and interconnected. Furthermore, since biologic body and subtle body-mind interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled, metabolism and immune systems are also irreducible (i.e. metabolism-immune system). And which with recent evidence and empirical data revealed by the medical and scientific communities, clearly validated by how mitochondria and cellular elements are interconnected as distributed and whole network. And as such, there is no other way around (whether in hundreds years, thousands years, millions years, and beyond. And therefore, it is better sooner or now rather than later) but subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentialities of possibilities has to be essential and irreducible parts of the scientific concept and quest. And epistemology and ontology of life and existence exploration. And essential ways of life and best practices. And causes, reasons, and opportunities to advance meaningful life and social essentials and values as well as well being and the common and greater good across generations in the known physical world. And beyond. All the while prevent and climate harm, injustice, and suffering in the known physical world. And beyond. And this brief and simplified discernment is also to inspire and encourage meaningful transformations and actions as reasons, causes, and opportunities to comprehensively and effectively combat current pathogens, safety, and health threats. And in particularly, without self-inflected harm now. And as well as long into the future. Updated on 05/22/2020: A brief and simplified of the above content and context can be illustrated and emphasized through reason based the scientific concept and method of and through the human experience as well as on evidence and empirical data: based on well developed and known fundamental theories, complementary applied sciences, and diverse complementary empirical data which stated and validated in diverse ways that the energy and entropy-negentropy of a whole is irreducible. And which indicated irrefutably that the biologic body and subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system are irreducible. And therefore, their metabolism are interdependent and interconnected. Furthermore, since biologic body and subtle body-mind interdependent and interconnected or intertwined and entangled, metabolism and immune systems are also irreducible (i.e. metabolism-immune system). And which with recent evidence and empirical data revealed by the medical and scientific communities, clearly validated by how mitochondria and cellular elements are interconnected as distributed and whole network. Updated on 05/28/2020: (a recent progress |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
November 2023
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