Brief and simplified discernment on the following Carlo Rovelli on Consciousness, the Illusion of Time, & Philosophy of Relational Quantum Mechanics - YouTube:
Wave function can have many definitions such as: 1.0 Fragmented phenomena or interaction of spectra-field 2.0 Sum of fragmented phenomena 3.0 Non intrinsic inherent process and mechanism 4.0 Intrinsic inherent process and mechanism 5.0 Mix or combination of 1.0-4.0 Furthermore, the definition also depend on the type or nature of existence. For example, if they are based on sentient's epistemic and ontic, then they should be referred to 1.0-3.0 and 5.0. As illustration, objects can be made through process and mechanism of research, development, and manufacturing. And are real. However, they are not inherent intrinsic real nor existence Carlo Rovelli on Consciousness, the Illusion of Time, & Philosophy of Relational Quantum Mechanics - YouTube. A simple ways of saying is there are not self-realized and self-actualized or can ony realized and actualized through sentient. Nature's epistemic and ontic inherent intrinsic process and mechanism are self-realized and self-organized or self-functional through universal process and mechanism of being and becoming or process and mechanism of intertwinement and entanglement of parts of sum of parts of the greater whole. And as such, a sentient does not need to be outside (impossible anyway) of All That Exist and Ever Exist to be aware or know. A simple way of saying is "Knowing" in naturalness-spiritual implied knowing through direct experience or to "Know" nature's epistemic and ontic (and which also implied nature of reality and truth) is to experience the essence, nature, and ground of being (and becoming). And the essence, nature, and ground of nature (and becoming) through or facilitating by nature universal process of being and becoming (or in scientific terms, knowledge and information are transferred through nature universal process and mechanism. And which is very different from sentient's process and mechanism. And as an empirical illustration (and which is better now known), individuals that experience real transcendence experience such as OBE and NDE remember (or just know would be better words) such experience for life unless they are babies (i.e. body-mind still developing) or due to body-mind heal conditions (which could hinder such experience knowledge or information)). And "Knowing" is beyond intuition. And which is very different from conventional definition and specification of knowledge, information, epistemic, ontic, and knowing. And which indicated sages' knowledge and metaphors were not understood throughout the millenniums. Brief and simplified discernment on time: for an evolved sentient with subtle body-mind or emerging spirit-soul potentiality of possibilities, time can be categorized and experienced as local and non-local time as had suggested in diverse ways in diverse past discernments: 1.0 Local time: 1.1 Constructed time such as clock, watch, events. 1.2 Biologic time such as circadian rhythm. 1.3 Entropic-Negentropic or geometric-infotropic time such as dynamic planetary and celestial and its inhabitants form-formless movement or interaction and transition. 2.0 Non-Local time: 2.1 Entropic-Negentropic or geometric-infotropic time pertaining to immaterial form-formless realms beyond known physical world. 2.2 Immaterial biologic time pertaining to life beyond known physical world such as pertaining to the subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system. 2.3 Oneness of Wholeness or real existential time or nature's epistemic and ontic time. And as such, a sentient with evolved subtle body-mind or spirit soul potentialities of possibilities can sense or experience (however if inhibit and or filter, then only experience locality. And potentialities of non-locality such as diverse spontaneous transcendence or non-local experience even through the subtle body-mind is in constant local and non-local existence) local, non-local, or both time. However, as parts of sum of parts of the whole, the real self or subtle body-mind of the many sentient composite body-mind system is always connected to non-local existence. And therefore, indicated that space, time, and information are irreducible or intertwined and entangled. And as such, in reality or actuality, a sentient, in particularly real existence self, does not experience time, rather space-time-information or Oneness of Wholeness phenomena and experience. A simple way of saying is, in the macro or local world, space-time-information are experience as reducible or separated parts. While in the no-local intertwined and entangled world, they are sensed or experienced as One. And as such, could not be integrated and differentiated since they have not been life experience. And thus, gave rise to feeling or senses that time does not exist or not real. Nature's epistemic and ontic time exists and is real. However, since space-time-information are intertwined and entangled which gave rise to causalities such as past-present-future are intertwined and entangled, time can be experienced as non-existence or as described by metaphor such as "Now". And which are empirical experienced by OBE and NDE experiencer. However, time is real can be recognized through evolution time in the macro world or evolution such as of the known cosmos where bout life processes and history are irreversible. And the reason is in the macro world, entanglement or non-local phenomena are potentialities of possibilities (beside the subtle body-mind is in constant intertwinement and entanglement with the greater whole whether conscious, aware, and or believe or not). While in the immaterial world or pertaining to the subtle body-mind, entanglement or only non-local process and mechanism are in effect or ways of existence. And what scientifically discerned here also indicated the or complemented such existence of subtle body-mind and immaterial realms. And as well as process of transformation and evolution or being and becoming beyond known physical world. |
AuthorEpistemology of Life and Ontology of Existence Foundation and Institute Archives
December 2024
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